subsystem diagram

英 [səbˈsɪstəm ˈdaɪəɡræm] 美 [ˈsʌbˌsɪstəm ˈdaɪəɡræm]




  1. The system simulation models have been established based on the subsystem mathematical models in addition, a relationship diagram of ship-motor-propeller has also been worked out.
  2. Attention are mainly focused on the modular design of PLC program, flow figure of each subsystem, the assignment of the program function block, the communication principle between PLC and up-lever computer and the timing sequence diagram.
  3. Then analyzes some laws of the existing system can be optimized. Based on MES I build chilled water subsystem software architecture diagram and hardware architecture diagram. Finally I successfully establish the chilled water management information system.
  4. Drawing system similar RBD ( Reliability Block Diagram) module draw subsystem block diagram, describe the system redundancy strategy and draw automatically the system similar RBD in the user interface one by one.
  5. And then the realization of the subsystem used in the main class to make the design, with timing diagram describes the collaboration between classes, and finally describe the realization of the system and the use of key technologies.
  6. Other web technology includes js, dom, CSS, ajax, etc. This paper designs each subsystem with class diagram and sequence diagram in detail, system adopting J2EE layered structure.